
Stoke Fleming Primary School recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children under Section 175 of the 2002 Education Act and under the Children Act 2004 and the DfE guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education (KiCSIE) 2021.

This includes checking the suitability of all staff and volunteers; ensuring that we have effective procedures for identifying and managing all issues likely to cause significant harm to children; ensuring a safe environment in which our pupils can learn and development; enabling our pupils to acquire the relevant knowledge and information; and working with other agencies as appropriate.

All of our Safeguarding Documents can be found below.

Below is the link to the NSPCC safeguarding video; 

Safeguarding video

At Stoke Fleming we support children to learn about how to keep safe online to find out more and for helpful advice please click here

​For more information please contact the school directly.

If you have an urgent safeguarding concern contact MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) on 0345 155 1071 or email

Chris Harrison

Chris Harrison

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Kelly Barraclough

Kelly Barraclough

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Andrea Hall

Andrea Hall

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Louise Clark

Louise Clark

Safeguarding Governor

​Ellie Malley

Ellie Malley

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Emily Risby

Emily Risby

Safeguarding Associate

Emma Fielding

Emma Fielding

Deputy Safeguarding Lead