Our Environment

Our extensive learning environment consist of

  • 2 spacious indoor rooms
  • A designated sensory area with sensory tent.
  • An enclosed garden with wooden stage, mud kitchen, planting beds, music wall and play equipment.
  • A sensory garden with decking area, willow den and outdoor sheltered learning space.
  • A tarmacked circuit for bikes, scooters and a digging area
  • newly decorated toilets and a separate nappy changing facility.

Each space has been carefully designed and set up to support the seven areas of learning. The environment is constantly reviewed and changes with the interests and needs of the children. Throughout the year the children are encouraged to take responsibility for certain areas through planting projects, litter collection and having their say about future projects. Children are encouraged to use the outdoor area as an extension of the indoors thereby accessing items such as books, puzzles, mark-making equipment and games outside too.

Adventure School

Little Lanterns is fortunate to have access to the school’s Adventure School site.

Children spend a morning a week at Adventure School learning about the natural world, how to use tools safely, develop their physical skills, work together as a team and take risks in a safe way. Typical activities at Adventure School include tree climbing, shelter building, bug hunting, craft activities, story-telling and games like hide and seek. We also have an exciting Adventure Playground with tree house, tyre swings and balance beams.

Adventure School involves being outside in the woods exploring, playing and learning. These experiences challenge the child, building on their abilities and knowledge, opening their eyes to the world outside, releasing creativity, curiosity and awareness of others. Our children thrive in this environment and it is wonderful to see their motivation and enthusiasm grow as their Adventure School journey progresses. We pull on the expertise of the lead teacher from the primary school, to provide additional activities such as constructing bat boxes, cooking over a campfire and creating treasure hunts with the older children in school for us to follow.

We go to Adventure School whatever the weather (unless the wind is too strong) so children need to come prepared in full waterproofs and welly boots, they may get a bit muddy! Days vary each half term but we will always let parent’s know in advance

Welly Walks

During the summer months we also make use of our stunning local area by including some Welly Walks to Blackpool Sands, the play park and the country pathways and woodland area. Parents and Carers are encouraged to share these experience with us.​

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