How can you help at home?
At Stoke Fleming we believe the purpose of homework is to:
a) To develop a partnership between the school and parents in pursuing the aims of the school
b) To consolidate and reinforce skills gained in all areas of the curriculum particularly Literacy and Numeracy
c) To encourage pupils as they grow older to develop the confidence and self-discipline needed to study on their own prior to transferring to secondary school and beyond.
With this in mind we feel it is paramount that a happy medium is struck between pupils having the time at home to relax and pursue their own interests whilst continuing to embed and apply the valuable academic skills they have learned at school.
Below is a list of the activities we would expect to be undertaken in a typical week:

If your child would like to complete their own research projects, diaries, journals or anything else at home we would of course welcome these and will enjoy sharing them with the rest of the class.
These activities are specifically designed to be flexible so if children attend evening classes for music, dancing, gymnastics etc., or attend Cubs or Brownies, there is no need to complete rigorous tasks on these evenings.
Below are some additional websites you may find useful
Online Learning
Teach Your Monster to Read is a wonderful game made in association with leading educational experts and follows phonic phases 1, 2 and 3 in separate games. Perfect for EYFS through to KS1. Apps are available and paid for but the online website version is always free. Your child can follow their monster around and learn without realising how much they are learning to read!
2Simple’s Purple Mash is an online platform full of content which keeps children engaged and supported through the curriculum in every subject. Games, videos, activities and ebooks are available. Suitable for ages 4-11. Usually a paid subscription but free in event of closures.
Pobble is an online writing platform. They post a free picture a day with prompts for discussion and writing.
BBC Bitesize is always free and has videos, lessons, and games covering the whole curriculum all the way up to GCSEs.
Oxford Owl provides free ebooks all the time for children of primary age.
Duolingo is a free website made for language learning. One for all the family. Not specifically made for schools and you can pick whichever language you like. An initial assessment helps to pick up your current level if you want to improve rather than start from scratch.
Handwriting practice a bit a day will be essential for infant and junior age children. Handwriting Heroes has premium content and apps but their letter formation videos are always free so will help remind children of the right formation while practicing.
Mangahigh maths games are for children age 5-11. Usually a paid subscription but free for school closures.
Music Theory has some content always free with lessons and exercises to do at home. For all ages and musical abilities.