Right Respecting School

rights respecting schools

Education South West is proud to be a Rights Respecting Multi-Academy Trust. All of our schools have UNICEF Rights Respecting accreditation, which recognises our commitment to creating safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive. Developing a Rights Respecting ethos in all our schools ensures that these values are embedded in daily school life, giving children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens, both locally and globally.

Stoke Fleming School RRS – Silver Award

At Stoke Fleming, in March 2021, we were thrilled to achieve our Silver (Rights Aware) status, for the Unicef Rights Respecting Schools award.  We are now undertaking our journey towards Gold (Rights Respecting) school.  There are many areas of Stoke Fleming life where we can concentrate on embedding the Convention on the Rights of the Child; this is both implicitly in the general, everyday approach of staff and students, as well as explicitly in our policies and practice.  We hope in the next year to travel from being ‘Rights Aware’ to the Gold standard of ‘Rights Respecting’, and we are committed to achieving this goal.

What is a Rights Respecting School?

A Rights Respecting School puts the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (https://www.unicef.org.uk/what-we-do/un-convention-child-rights/) at the heart of everything they do. This means that we ensure that pupils at Stoke Fleming know their rights and as adults, we make decisions with the best interests of the child. We teach students about the importance of becoming Global Citizens and ensure that they learn about world events. Moreover, we take time to teach students about developing their full potential and ensure that they learn about people who don’t have access to their rights. We have always been an inclusive and caring school but this award has helped to frame a lot of the great work that already goes on at Stoke Fleming.

This video helps explain more about what it is to be a Rights Respecting School: