This is the information we share and how:

In the event of any issues or concerns these must firstly be raised with the class teacher, subsequently the phase leader/ Senior Teacher—(Mrs Barraclough—EYFS, Mrs Taylor/ Mr Hensby—Y1,2,3 or Mrs Hall—Y4,5,6) and finally The Deputy Head Mrs Taylor or the Head Teacher Mr Harrison.
School Starts: 8:40am
Gates Open: 8:35
Gates Close: 8:45 (If you arrive after this time please come through the school office.
School Finishes: 3:05pm
Please DO NOT ENTER the school building unless it is through the main office where you will be asked to sign in. This is for safeguarding and fire risk purposes.
Communication with the school or your child’s teacher:
Teachers will be on the playground from 8:35-8:40am and from 3:05 when messages can be passed on.
E-mails can be sent to the address where it will be sent to the relevant person. Please do not e-mail staff directly as messages may be missed.
To notify the school of and absence or for any other reason please call 01803770244
Home learning and other communication will take place through Homework books/ Microsoft Teams for Years 1-6 and through tapestry for Reception.